#Church #furniture #Altar New Hall School Newsletter

Just received a really nice email from Mrs Jacqué McGlynn HEAD OF MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS, LAY CHAPLAIN PREPARATORY DIVISION and SACRISTAN @NewHallSchool

Jacque sent me what she wrote for the newsletter:

New Altar for the Preparatory Divisions

We are pleased to inform you that we have a new bespoke Altar in the Preparatory Divisions Hall, now known as the Denford Hall.

The Altar was designed by Mr Joe Early, a former member of staff who taught DT at New Hall. Mr Early also made the bespoke Processional Crosses and stands, used in both the St Francis Chapel and the main Chapel in the Senior Divisions building, as well as the unique Baptismal Font in the main Chapel.

Everything that Mr Early creates has a story and meaning; for example, if you look closely at the Altar, you will see that he has designed the front to represent Jesus’ arms outstretched on the Cross. We are very grateful to Mr Early, who understands our ethos, and feel privileged that in respect of this, he produces items that are distinctive to New Hall.


